Dr. Richard A Evans
Candidate for Maine State Senate District 4
“One Mission. One Maine.”

About Richard

Distinguished military veteran, accomplished surgeon, & community leader


Dr. Richard A. Evans is a highly accomplished figure in medicine, celebrated for his extensive contributions to surgery, military service, and community leadership in Maine. His distinguished career has left a lasting impact on the medical profession and the state's community.

Dr. Evans' academic journey began at Howard University, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and later his Doctor of Medicine degree from Jefferson Medical College. His surgical training included a notable residency at Jefferson Medical College affiliates, where he served as Chief Surgical Resident.

After completing his residency, Dr. Evans entered active duty in the United States Air Force, where he held various leadership positions and earned several commendations, including the Meritorious Service Medal for Outstanding Leadership. His military service took him to different locations across the country, highlighting his commitment to service and excellence in healthcare.

Following his military service, he returned to Maine, practicing surgery, serving in leadership roles in medical organizations, and contributing significantly to healthcare initiatives. Dr. Evans' experience in both military and civilian healthcare settings has enriched his perspective and leadership in advancing healthcare quality and access in Maine.

Political Achievements

After his election to the Maine State Legislature in 2020, Dr. Evans was appointed to the Health Coverage Insurance and Financial Services Committee (HCIFS), serving from January 1, 2020-December 31, 2022. Dr. Evans personally sponsored seven bills in the 130th Maine Legislature, six of which were enacted into Maine law. These laws included:

- “An Act to Establish the Accidental Drug Overdose Death Review Panel.”

- “An Act to Maximize Health Coverage for the Uninsured through Easy Enrollment in the MaineCare (Medicaid) Program or in a Qualified Health Plan in the Marketplace.” AKA the “Easy Enrollment Bill.”

- “Resolve, Directing the Department of Health and Human Services to Contract for Assessments for Involuntary Hospitalizations.” AKA “Maine’s Yellow Flag Law.”

- “An Act Regarding the State Employee Health Commission."

- “An Act to Amend the Law Regarding Expiration of Disability Plates and Placards and Fees for Licenses."

- “An Act to Improve Health Care Affordability and Increase Options for Comprehensive Coverage for Individuals and Small Businesses in Maine.”

Although Dr. Evans had prioritized these bills as noted above, his desire for effective legislative advocacy did not end at that point. Now, Dr. Evans looks forward to being able to serve the people of Maine in the State Senate.

"Effective leadership necessitates one to reach across the aisle whenever possible in order to make positive changes for all of the people of Maine, as no one person has the answers to the needs and concerns of everyone."

-Dr. Richard Evans

Local, Regional, and National Service:


Past President, Maine Medical Association

Maine Senior Delegate to the American Medical Association (AMA)

Member, Board of Trustees, Consumers for Affordable Health Care

Member, Board of Trustees, Maine Health Access Foundation (MeHaf)


Past Chair, New England Delegation to the AMA

Past Chair, Council of New England State Medical Association Presidents


Past Chair, AMA Committee on Compensation

Member, AMA Election Task Force 1 & 2

President, Organization of State Medical Association Presidents 2023-2024

Richard's Story

Dr. Evans was born in Houston, Texas, growing up in a challenging, poverty-stricken, and crime-ridden area, into a family of five brothers and one sister. He and his family lived in a 2-bedroom frame home with no insulation or air-conditioning and the family did not have indoor plumbing until he was sixteen years old. Dr Evans’ family did not have health insurance, and he saw a dentist for the first time at the age of eighteen for an infected tooth that had to be removed. His mother, also the family homemaker, was the primary health care provider for the entire family throughout those years. His father was a truck driver and a wise and avid reader. Neither of his parents received any formal education beyond the ninth grade.

My parents understood and valued the need for education. Ensuring that their children experienced every opportunity for higher learning was their top priority. They insisted that each of us follow strict adherence to this principle of their vision, as this was the only way for us to achieve better lives. My upbring in the face of poverty, violence, and incarceration of so many in my local community profoundly shaped my perspective on social issues, especially regarding accessible and affordable health care, poverty, education, and equality. Despite the challenges that I and my parents knew that I would face, I was inspired to pursue higher education, driven by a desire to make a difference for positive change, not just for myself and my family, but for the many others who were experiencing the same conditions as our family and for the generations that would follow.

On the Issues

Reproductive Rights

I believe that every woman should have the right to make her own healthcare decisions, and he is committed to advocating for legislation that protects and upholds abortion rights, as well as ensuring access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare. As a State Representative, Dr. Evans received a perfect rating of 100% from Planned Parenthood Maine Action Fund.


We must protect Maine families by focusing on creating jobs that offer the ability for individuals to earn a living wage. We must support our economy and the small businesses we depend on by investing in transportation and high-speed internet infrastructure. Workforce training and affordable higher education are necessary to help Mainers adjust to the changing job market, as we build a more resilient and robust economy. After providing education opportunities, we must find ways to provide incentives to our educated, young people that will keep them here in Maine.

Affordable Housing

Whether you own or rent, your housing costs are a significant expense. We can reduce property taxes and rental costs by maintaining municipal revenue sharing for fire, police, and roads; funding our schools; and further improving the property tax programs that benefit Maine residents.


All Mainers recognize the importance of a well rounded education and the impact it has on developing a child’s future. Most of us take great pride in our schools and find it comforting to know “our kids” are in good hands, have a safe place to learn and are receiving a quality education. We must find ways to lessen the financial burden on individual communities while continuing to provide high-quality public education, improving the quality of child-care and early learning programs.

Expanded education, identification, and treatment for substance use disorders.

I am committed to enhancing education, identification, and treatment for substance use disorders within our community. I strongly believe in the potential of education to prevent addiction and will make dedicated efforts to enhance screening procedures to detect high-risk individuals at an early stage. Furthermore, I will advocate for augmented funding for research-backed treatment alternatives and supportive services.

Quality & Affordable Healthcare

The need for access to affordable healthcare is essential for each of us. As the costs of healthcare continue to climb, we must find ways to reverse this trend. Families should not be forced into bankruptcy due to unforeseen medical circumstances. Affordable and accessible healthcare for all Mainers will not only help us live longer and happier lives and tackle the opioid crisis, it will improve our economy by adding good-paying jobs, keeping our rural hospitals open, and supporting our small business entrepreneurs.


A healthy environment sustains its people. We can save money while protecting our natural resources, through better waste management and local energy generation. Protecting our ecosystems is especially important in our area.

Supporting Our Elderly Population, Those With Disabilities, and Veterans

We must do more to support our elderly population, individuals with disabilities, and veterans who have served our country with honor. I will advocate for increased funding and resources for programs that provide vital assistance, including healthcare services, transportation, housing support, and job training opportunities.

Senate District 4 includes

The communities of Abbot, Atkinson Township, Beaver Cove, Bowerbank, Brownville, Dover-Foxcroft, Greenville, Guilford, Kingsbury Plantation, Lake View Plantation, Medford, Milo, Monsoon, Parkman, Sangerville, Sebec, Shirley, Wellington, Willimantic, Bradford, Charleston, Corinna, Corinth, Dexter, Exeter, Garland, Glenburn, Hudson, Kenduskeag, and Levant.


Contact Richard

Email: evansformainesenate@earthlink.net